Canadian Kidney Cancer Information System (CKCis)

CKCis is operating under the leadership of:

Dr. Rodney Breau, Ottawa

Dr. Naveen Basappa, Edmonton

Founder: Dr. Simon Tanguay, McGill University Health Centre

Project Manager: Camilla Tajzler


Sites Coordinator: Raina Ignacio

What is CKCis?

The Canadian Kidney Cancer information system (CKCis) is a web-based national registry intended to support the development of clinical and basic research in kidney cancer across Canada. It is an active research project in Canada since 2011.

CKCis is central to the activities of the Kidney Cancer Research Network of Canada (KCRNC). The network continues to bring all interested clinicians and researchers in kidney cancer together and support the development of active kidney cancer research programs in Canada. CKCis has a Steering Committee of members, led by Dr. Rodney Breau (Uro-Oncologist, University of Ottawa) and Dr. Naveen Basappa (Medical Oncologist, University of Alberta). The committee is comprised of Uro-Oncologists, Medical Oncologists, additional clinicians and a Kidney Cancer Canada patient advocate. The CKCis Steering Committee makes all the decisions related to the management of the database and use of the data. CKCis has a Project Manager and a Site’s Coordinator who run the day-to-day operations for CKCis. There is a Technical Team (Techna Institute, University Health Network) and a Statistics Team (statisticians from University of Ottawa, University of Alberta and McGill University) who are part of the research team.

The objectives of the Canadian Kidney Cancer information system project are to:

Evaluate the outcomes of kidney cancer patients in Canada

Identify any differences in the treatment of kidney cancer across Canada

 Identify strengths and weaknesses in the management of kidney cancer in Canada

Understand regional needs to provide optimal care to kidney cancer patients

Support the development of centres and networks of excellence in kidney cancer research

Understand the impact of therapeutic strategies on outcome of kidney cancer patients

CKCis contains pertinent retrospective as well as prospective de-identified patient data collected from consented patients who have been diagnosed and treated for renal cell carcinoma. Fifteen Canadian centres, across 6 provinces, actively accrue kidney cancer patients into the CKCis registry. There are over 20,000 unique patient identifiers in CKCis.

CKCis is a dynamic database which can be used to carry out many different research studies as opposed to a research study limited to a single topic. There are currently 45 publications using CKCis data, which can be found using this link.


The Current CKCis Sites

Currently, CKCis has 15 sites across Canada. The site, principle investigator (PI) and co-investigator (Co-I) information can be found here.

Real-World Evidence

Clinical Trials

In addition to the therapies approved by Health Canada, patients may be able to access several other therapies through clinical trials. By participating in a clinical trial, you will be helping researchers answer important questions that will further the development of new treatments and new treatment guidelines. Also, clinical trials often give you another option in your treatment plan.

Kidney Cancer Canada makes every effort to be aware of major clinical trials for renal cell carcinoma across Canada.

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